Pastel Pink, Blue & Grey

I had the pleasure of having some really cool portraits taken by Tabby recently. It was inspired by Pop magazine, they went for something very cutesy, girly and fun! It's so strange to see so many photos of me smiling as I'm so used to seeing my resting bitch face instead, there were definitely times where Tabby did have to remind me to bring a softer face back to the camera ...oops! 
The shoot was quite last minute and I didn't know much about it, I just turned up for hair and make up and we shot. It was fun and the images came out amazingly!

Lets point out the obvious here.

I finally paid a visit to my favourite and trusted salon Pierre & James in Southend. My hairdresser Adrian and I decided to go for the full shabang and become blonde all over! I have no regrets, only that I didn't do it sooner.
I have never bleached my scalp before, so I had no idea what was coming. I felt so naive like a toddler being given the most sour lolly. But with that shock it very quickly wears off and what feels like hours of pain brought me very beautiful grey hair and I would do it again. For those who have no idea what it's like to bleach your scalp and are thinking of having it done, heres a heads up!
Its a very weird stinging sensation but bearable that very quickly wears off, I had bleach on my scalp for about five hours which was split into two sessions (I am very lucky to have strong hair, but it varies to how well your hair takes to the bleach which will depend on the time that you have it on for), for me the most painful part of this process was experiencing toner on my scalp just after washing out the bleach. Now that was an extremely painful sensation (which very quickly wore off) that brought a shock to my scalp and every nerve in my body!

We went for a grey/platinum toner because well, it's pretty damn cool isnt it?!
I am completely in love with my hair, it's crazy to think that I actually suit blonde hair better than black, who would have thought?
I didn't photograph the process this time, but I have attached before and after pictures at the end of this entry!


Before & After 

My advice is to visit a salon thats not a chain; find a salon that remembers you, that take time in caring for your hair and stick to them. Visit Pierre & James!

Photographer: Tabatha Lopez & Georgia Schunk
Make Up Artist: Kitty Noofah
Salon: Adrian @ Pierre & James
© Cinsy Tam


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