I Have No Style

I purchased these really cool pants from Zara over a year ago and it took me that long for me to finally wear them for the first time - it's literally so last year and I still love them!
They were perfect for the 30°C heat during my stay in Hong Kong. Rows and rows of palm trees were planted close to where I lived, the perfect set for a quick snap don't you think? 

I was recently described as quirky and you know what, I didn't know how to take it. I had never been called quirky before. Since moving to London I feel that I have changed my style a lot more but I am endlessly creating myself. I love to stand out and dressing well is something that brings me confidence, for some people it may be make up but for me it is to dress well. I wouldn't say I have a specific style in how I dress but I hope that whatever I do wear, I wear it well.

You know the one thing about travelling is that ones style is different, how fashion is viewed varies in different parts of the world and I think that's what I have finally understood. I realised that if fashion is so different worldwide then whatever you wear, you'll be fashionable somewhere.

ps: aloe vera juice is amazing, you have to try it (and it's not just available in Hong Kong)!

 Location: Kam Tin, Hong Kong

Photos by Liberty Dye


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