Chlo And Row

I took these photos of my best friend and her boyfriend; Chloe and Rowan. These were images I planned to use for my uni work but I didn’t in the end, so I wanted to post them on here as I really do love them so much. 

I haven’t really photographed in a style of documentary and snapshot before so when I had these films developed, I was actually really proud of myself. I have also now learnt how to scan in my own negatives which is great because the quality of the images are generally much better as I have full control, I guess the next step is to learn how to develop my own film, now that's scary!

I always describe my relationship with Chloe and Rowan (as a couple) that I am the third wheel and I’m probably too proud of it. I am such good friends with the both of them that its not weird so whenever I am out with them although it seems like I am 'the third wheel’ it doesn’t feel like it at all. Funny story, there is actually a personalised pillow on Chloe’s bed, filled with lots of pictures of both of them in a shape of a heart (very cute, I know) and of course … it was featuring me. Scanning through the pictures, you'll see my face pop up about three or four different times! Being such good friends with them is what made it so easy and absolutely hilarious to photograph them together, it wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward, it was really fun to shoot.
© Cinsy Tam

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